Understanding issues just for devotees-be an ace of your character!!.

Hello, I am back with my next article……… In my first article I put forth the value of life……I suspect as much it functioned admirably.

   Now I am going to talk about the various keys that makes you to attain greatness……

To start with I put forward a story…

          The black balloon

Sometime in the distant past there was a Negro boy Michael. Michael has friends who all belonged to a white community. Every day he face discrimination in a different manner. Everyone thought that he is fit for nothing and kept an understanding that he is discarded by god. They even spotted out that he can’t stand on his own legs.

      One day Michael started crying in the middle of night. Suddenly an angel appeared. Michael was astonished on seeing her. But the angel spoke to him politely.” My dear son I heard you’re crying. I understood your feelings. I will ask some questions to you, will you answer me?” asked the angel. With a great discomfort Michael answer yes. “There were three balloons white, red and black each filled with equal amount of air. At the points when these three balloons fly which will rise to the top “asked the angel. Michael without hesitation said that three balloons will equally move with respect to each other. The angel smiled and vanished.

What do you understand from this story?

God created everybody with the same inner stuff but how you use it is going to be interesting. In case of Michael he had become a “DEVOTEE OF OTHERS UNDERSTANDING”

This is what we too do in our life. Don’t lend your ears to everyone. Understanding only issues just for devotees. Now you may come to an idea why I had titled my article like this. It sounds nice.

When you start accepting the recorded life of your life in others mind surely your home theatre will be destroyed…

Do you have any idea what I call as home theatre?

It’s nothing but our character

In this world there are many people to destroy your own character.

According to me “real richness is when you are so expensive that no one can buy your character”.

Not even give a single hand to spot a finger on your character. Character is the first important key in our life. If character is lost nothing remains in you.

Character is the main thing that determines your adoration.

Character is the main thing that determines your demeanour.

Character is the main thing that determines your assurance.

Character is everything!!!!!!

To show you how character and life are interconnected. I narrate another story.

THE WISE SAINT                          

Later in distant past, there was a boy who likes to test every ones knowledge. In the same village there was a wise saint. One day the boy thought to test the wise saint. He caught a bird and put it in his coat pocket. He went to the wise saint and asked him whether the bird inside his coat was alive or not. The saint answered “oh my poor boy, if I say that the bird is dead you will open the coat and allow it to fly. If I say that it is alive you will crush it inside your coat pocket and show that it is dead. What is the use in me answering”? The boy was astonished. The saint continued “this is how our life is in our hands, crushing or allowing it to live”.

This is what life is. Now reaching to the main point “the character”.

From this story which can be called as character?

Nothing but the COAT.

Yeah friends, the coat that safeguards us is our character it is the thing which one time allow us to live on the other hand kills us.

So character is the more important aspect of our life.

I end my article by saying the beautiful words put forward by John Wooden-

Ability may take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there”.

So don’t become a devotee of understanding. Instead be an ace of your character.


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