Contemplations decide you- Overlook the past...develop the present...reap what’s to come!!!!!..

Folks I am back with the following key to be has three intriguing sub keys.

This topic is the next stage that determines your determination towards life. So I divide this into three parts.

Overlook the past

Overlooking doesn’t mean that you need to ignore the past. Ignoring the past is very important thing to be done as thinking about the loss does not going to gain anything. But before that something is needed to be done.

     Overlooking the past has three phases. First quit reasoning about the misfortune rather consider the reason for loosing. At that point take out the significant focuses from it. At last disregard the past.


Sometimes in the distant past there was mango tree near the bank of a river. Its mangoes speak. Each and every mangoes where singing and enjoying their day. Suddenly there was a shake in the tree due to a heavy wind. Some mangoes didn’t fell where as some fell down. The mangoes that where down regretted that they were thrown down. After sometimes all the mangoes choose to move and entered into the river where as one mango was still thinking about the way it fell down. Days past at last this mango came to an idea of entering the soon as it entered there was no water in the river and the place has a board saying under construction. To a sudden notice the other mangoes that left before started to grow on the other side of the river.

What do you understand from this?

My dear seedlings this is how we waste our life thinking about the past and missing the every opportunity that passes by. I like to say one thing:


Develop the present

This is the most vital stage that slaps the past and salutes the future. We need to cultivate the present having the seeds of good thoughts extracted from the past so as to harvest in the future. Every successful person will have a miserable story hidden behind his silence. If Mahatma Gandhi didn’t develop good skills and ideas we would have not got our country back. We would have missed a great batsman if Sachin didn’t woke up from his fall. We would have lost many things if our president dr. Abdul Kalam didn’t approach his studies further.

If Gandhi can why you can’t?

If Sachin can why you can’t?

If Kalam can why you can’t?

Your development today determines everything. After losing one thing if we stand still nothing could be harvested.

As said by the great philosopher Robin Sharma “DREAM BIG BUT START SMALL.ACT NOW DON’T STOP”.

It’s not that much easy to develop the present having the wounds of the past. Instead of covering or curing the past build a hospital to reduce further wounds and also building this not only favours you but in turn cures others problems.

Everyone will know about bill gates who had nothing that day but has everything today. This is development. Today without Microsoft computer world is haunted. This is development. Only well planned development will fulfil your present and enrich your future. I would like to say that” DON’T CRY OVER THE PAST IT HAS GONE DON’T STRESS ON THE FUTURE AS IT HAS NOT ARRIVED INSTEAD LIVE ON THE PRESENT AND MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL".


Reap what’s to come

Without uncertainty I am stating that everybody will stop when their normal future arrived.

Guys this is where you make a mistake. How making a good future is important same way retaining it is also important. As said by Abdul kalam” WHEN YOU LOOSE THE SECOND TIME THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE TO SAY YOU WON THE FIRST TIME BY LUCK”………

It is very much harder than developing the past. We need to be very careful over the future. Our cool captain MS DHONI’S WORDS REVEAL IT MORE CLEARLY: BEING A CHAMPION IS MORE TOUGHER THAN BECOMING A CHAMPION.

Future starts today not tomorrow.

Your PAST doesn’t define you.
What you do NOW defines you!

If you study the habits and traits of highly successful people, and the average or unsuccessful it is impossible not to see clear differences in their habits and thinking…
One of the biggest differences lie in THINKING and LIVING in the PAST, or planning into the FUTURE.

The majority, and by that I mean the average and underachieving among us, think PRIMARILY in the past.

“This is what happened to me, and if this didn’t happen to me I would be where I want to be today”
“I should have done this in the past, and now it’s too late”
“this person wronged me in the past, and that’s why I’m not where I want to be”

The PAST drags them down, beats the life out of them continuously day in day out. They don’t take responsibility, they don’t believe in FUTURE because they are stuck in the PAST, so their PAST repeats itself in the future…OVER and OVER again…

The successful one however thinks ONLY in THE NOW and into the FUTURE
THEY SET GOALS INTO THE FUTURE. Clear targets to push them forward… To light their fire within and give them PASSION for living.
THEY VISUALISE THE RESULTS coming to reality into the future…

They see the FUTURE reward, not the initial struggle to bring it to life.
NOT ‘what I have to go through to get there’ but ‘How will I feel when I get there’!
And the only way to get to the future, to the big reward, is to have powerful action in the NOW. In this powerful present moment.

All successful people know that each positive and productive present moment leads to a positive and successful FUTURE moment. So overlook the past………develop the present so as to reap the future…………


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